Here's the list of early voting site locations.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Voting Reminder
Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change
Monday, October 30, 2006
Novelists, Reading
We have lots of less teacherly reading memoirs and books of lists of books. (And a notebook of reading suggestions we keep at the reference desk.)
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Soundtrack Moment
Maybe when that oh-so-early darkness falls this evening, listen to Tom Waits promise us that you can never hold back spring, and the sun will come back. The link is around, on blogs and websites and being emailed hither and thither: anecdotal proof that a notable proportion of the user population on the web is people of a certain age...
Friday, October 27, 2006
For Now, Call Reference At 955-6794
Call us at 955-6974.
Southside A-Swarm With Work Being Done
In addition, it lists the following "WORKERS ON SITE: Electrical crew, HVAC crew, Plumbing crew, Stucco crew, Drywall workers, Glazing crew, Concrete crew, Tectum crew, Grading crew, Sheetrock taping crew, Painters, Masons, Landscapers, Roofers, Asphalt crew." Whew!
We keep a chronological run of construction photos on the Progress page. Though the most recent photos are usually here first.

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Books and Babies
It's never too early to start your child on the road to reading!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
FYI: GO Bond for New Mexico Libraries
1. $3 million for New Mexico public libraries
To be distributed on a per capita basis to New Mexico public libraries as supplementary funding to purchase books, electronic information resources and the

2. $3 million for publicly funded school libraries
To be distributed both with a minimum per school amount and a per student allocation. On average, this amount will purchase 1-2 new books per student. School libraries are woefully under funded and most science and other dated books are over 10 years old. The NM Task Force for School Libraries, recognized by the Legislature, wholeheartedly supports this effort.
3. $3 million for academic libraries
To be distributed on a formula basis to all academic libraries in the state. This amount will purchase approximately 1 library book, or other materials for each full time student in a New Mexico college or university. This proposal has been endorsed by the NM Consortium of Academic Libraries.
As a result of the Bond which was approved in the election of 2004, Santa Fe Public Library received funding which enabled the Library to begin our DVD collection, buy new public PCs, expand the Spanish language collection, update adult nonfiction books in various areas, and improve the Southwest collection (in particular buying circulating copies of many titles which until then existed only in the reference cases.) Passage of the General Obligation Bond "C" would allow for similar expansion of materials and service at the Santa Fe Public Library, as well at all the public, school, and academic libraries around the state.
Blog Milestone of a Sort
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Joan Logghe and Jeff Bryan at the State Library Today
This is part of the "Literary Passions: Southwest Authors & Their Publishers Speak at the New Mexico State Library" lecture series.
Popular Media
Monday, October 23, 2006
Perfectly Gorgeous Book About Bridges
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Video Clip of Dr. García Telling About La Llorona
Friday, October 20, 2006
(E)MailBox Full of Webstuff has let us know about two possible sights this weekend: "ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: This weekend, a mild but pretty flurry of meteors will shoot out of the constellation Orion. The source is Halley's Comet. Although the comet itself is far away, ancient clouds of dust from the comet are nearby, and Earth is about to run through them. The best time to look is Saturday morning, Oct. 21st. Dozens of meteors might streak across the sky during the hours before sunrise. Dark skies are recommended! AURORA WATCH: A solar wind stream is heading toward Earth, and it could spark a display of auroras when it arrives on Oct. 20th or 21st."
The Africam at Pete's Pond in Botswana is back; even when there are no charismatic megafauna in view the audio is quite wonderful; for underwater sound, there is the Palaoa livestream, audio from underneath an Antarctic ice shelf. The Center for Neuroacoustic Research sells CDs of space sound recordings taken by Voyager I & II. Click on each photo for free sound clips of these literally unearthly sounds, true music of the spheres.
Walt Crawford, library thinker extraordinaire, has a good long piece about Wikipedia and the controversies surrounding it. On the mystery discussion list, DorothyL, someone asked how to find out if a song is under copyright and an hour or so later got a useful answer, including a link to ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers), the phone number of the ASCAP Clearance line (212) 621-6160, and a link to BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.). The Biomedical Image Awards Gallery has some beautiful images, all real and looking like dreamscapes, and some at least of the images (for example, the knockout picture of aspirin crystals), come with audio files of the scientists talking about their work. The young whooping cranes of the will-be eastern flock are not making very rapid progress, but any day they fly there's at least one seductive photo...
Another of our users sent us The Last Page of the Internet with the remark, "Whew that's a relief." But, you know, I'd sure miss all these entertainments, enlightenments, and (yes) distractions at my fingertips. (The image of Saturn was taken by the Cassini spacecraft on September 15th.)(And yes, all these links came from my email box.)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Moving On To Ornamentation :-)

The architects' Field Report for October 17 includes the following Work in Progress: "a. Drywall, taping, and texture. b. Exterior windows are being placed. Operable units will be placed this week. c. Bathroom tile is being set and grouted. d. The boiler room is complete; it does not have combustion air. e. Concrete flatwork is in progress on the outside. The Children’s steps have been formed. f. Electrical work is ongoing. g. Scratch and brown coat are being put on the exterior of the building. Some color coat is in place. h. EPDM roofing and coping are being installed. i. Tectum is being installed. j. Base course asphalt is being installed in the parking areas. k. Crusher fines are being installed in the patios. l. HVAC controls are being installed. m. Paint is being applied."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Book Arts Weekend
Come meet some of the artists who work in the art and joy of the book.
High Demand
Echo Park / Michael Connelly
Judge and jury / James Patterson
Rise and shine / Anna Quindlen
The innocent man / John Grisham
Sweet swan of Avon : did a woman write Shakespeare? / Robin P. Williams
I feel bad about my neck : and other thoughts on being a woman / Nora Ephron
The book of fate / Brad Meltzer
Motor mouth / Janet Evanovich
The collectors / David Baldacci
The emperor's children / Claire Messud
State of denial / Bob Woodward
Under orders / Dick Francis
The omnivore's dilemma : a natural history of four meals / Michael Pollan
Conservatives without conscience / John W. Dean
The list is always available both from the catalog opening page (as 'Current Popular Titles'), and from the About Books and literature page (as 'Books You're Willing To Wait In Line For').
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
'As Rapidly As Books Worth While Are Published'

Today of course we don't charge for anything, and we order the newest titles weeks in advance of publication so that they can be on hand as soon as they come out. We order materials all year round, about 20,000 titles a year, whereas this clipping implies that in 1911 the library had been 'waiting a year to replenish the shelves.' What has not changed is the relationship between the generosity of our users and our ability to acquire the newest of the new even to this day; because it is the Friends of the Library's booksales, selling the books you donate, that underwrite that early-ordering-of-bestsellers account.
So what were the five books? Alas, ninety-five years later they are all forgotten. Marguerite Andoux, Marie Claire; Cora Harris, Eve's Second Husband; Jesse Lynch Williams, The Married Life of the Frederic Carrols; Pierre de Coulevain, On the Branch; and lastly, Jeffery Farnol, The Broad Highway, which the article says 'critics have pronounced the best story in the English language in 10 years.' It was nevertheless forgotten, but we actually have another book by Jeffery Farnol, The King Liveth, published in 1944.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Author Interviews Archive
Wired for Books, a site produced by Ohio University and WUOB with lots of support funding, has a wide array of materials, mostly audio, with such treasures as readings from the Iliad in Greek, and the Aeneid in Latin; a full dramatic reading of Alice in Wonderland; seven full Shakespearean plays (and some sonnets); short stories, other audio and video interviews, and poetry readings. For kids, Beatrix Potter with reproductions of every page, both in English and in Japanese; and also in audio (English only).
Friday, October 13, 2006
Dr. Nasario García
Free. All ages welcome. This program is made possibly by the New Mexico Humanities Council, the New Mexico Dept of Cultural Affairs, and the Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library.
The library has a number of his books.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Orhan Pamuk Wins The Nobel Prize For Literature
Spelling Bee Winners
So what do adult spellers spell? Here are the Round 3 and Round 4 sets of words.
googol omasum amphibrach zymurgy tachyon nunchaku asystole tauromachy capsaicin psilocybin | mho kokanee platyrrhine exsiccate geoduck tokamak kwashiorkor cacoethes eisteddfod sprezzatura |
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Anthony Award Winner In Our Midst

Other Anthony Award winners for 2006:
Best Mystery Novel: Mercy Falls by William Kent Krueger ; Best First Mystery: Tilt-a-Whirl by Chris Grabenstein ; Best Paperback Original: The James Deans by Reed Farrel Coleman ; Best Short Story: "Midsdirection" by Barbara Seranella ; Best Fan Publication: Crimespree Magazine, edited by Jon and Ruth Jordan ; Special Service to the Field: Janet Rudolph, for Mystery Readers International
Thanks to Iden Ford for permission to borrow the photo from one of her pages of Bouchercon photographs.
The Booker
The news stories yesterday made quite a fuss about the fact that Kiran Desai's mother, Anita Desai, was shortlisted for the Booker three times --for Clear Light of Day (1980), In Custody (1984), and Fasting, Feasting (1999) -- but never won.
If you're just looking for something really good to read, you could do worse than cruise the lists of Booker winners and shortlists, year by year.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
"...Some Color Coat Is In Place"
Hope we get some pictures of that color-coated exterior in the next batch.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Even From the Inside, It Looks Like a Building Now

Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saving Clicks
- To protect the privacy of users who sign in to their library record while inside the library (so that passers-by can't read their information off the monitor), your personal information no longer shows on the first screen you see once you have logged in. To see or correct your address, phone, notice preferences, etc. you will need to click on the "Modify your personal info" button.
- As soon as you are signed in, if you have any items checked out they appear on the bottom of the first screen (saving you a click...)
- A search box also appears on that screen (saving you another click.)
- When you are renewing items, you now get a message from the system explaining why not if it can't be renewed. Message appears in red. Watch for it. We are trying to get the system to allow a more informative message, but for the moment at least it is there.
- Expect more tweaking.
Voter Registration Reminder
But time is nearly up. The registration deadline for the November election is Tuesday, October 10, 2006. We will hand-carry any completed forms left at the Main Library over to the County Clerk's office at 3 PM on Tuesday.
Here are some other dates to keep in mind:
- October 10 (Tuesday) at 5 PM, voter registration deadline
- October 10 (Tuesday) First day that a voter may vote by absentee paper ballot.
- October 21 (Saturday) Early in-person voting begins (List of early voting site locations.)
- November 3 (Friday) Last date county clerk will mail absentee ballots.
- November 7 (Tuesday) General Election Day
Sunday Is The Spelling Bee; Monday We're Closed
Monday, October 9th. The libraries will be closed in observance of Columbus Day. (The library's calendar of holiday closings is always available on our website.)
Friday, October 06, 2006
Reading on Saturday

Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Web Is A Garden...
One of our readers sent us a link to a video on YouTube, Free Hugs, which millions of people have viewed and emailed each other about in the past couple of weeks. You only want to watch it if you have a good appetite for sentiment :-)
Then, we went hunting for a Chesterton quote, and discovered that there's a whole cottage industry of G. K. Chesterton web sites out there. The American Chesterton Society. The G. K. Chesterton Page. G. K. Chesterton: the Colossal Genius. The G. K. Chesterton Library. Who knew? And why?
The whooping crane chicks took off on the first flight of their first migration south this morning. As usual, the report comes with a wonderful image (and a little video of one of the cranes dropping out and returning home.)
There's an experimental search interface project called Flamenco at the University of California. One of their demonstration pages is about Nobel Prize winnners, and it's really very nifty. Give it a whirl.
If you've ever run across a piece of 'Lorem Ipsum' in a typesetting book or a web design book, you've probably wondered, what on earth is this and what does it mean? There's a nice explanation at the lipsum page; and Cecil Adams at The Straight Dope also has an answer.
The quote?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
What's New
For some reason there seem to be several Billy the Kid books out recently (easier to find by searching for the subject Billy, the Kid and sorting in reverse date order), including one by Marc Simmons, Stalking Billy the Kid : brief sketches of a short life. Other titles in the Recently Added Southwest Titles list include two new books about the mountains of New Mexico, and Phillip Huscher's The Santa Fe Opera : an American pioneer. The new non-fiction list includes Santa Fe photographer Lucian Niemeyer's study, Africa : the holocausts of Rwanda and Sudan. We've ordered an audio course in Conversational Czech. Lots of mysteries, lots of DVDs and audio CDs. Lots...
When we place an order the titles appear immediately in the database, so for the What's New lists in general, and especially the Just Added to the Database list, the materials may not actually be here yet. But you can always enter a request (hold) for anything which is on order, and we'll let you know when it has arrived and is waiting for you.