Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Did you plant your peas yet?

Organic GardenerI put mine in March 9th, and I had to squat in a morning snowstorm to do it! (I’ll let you know how the harvest comes out.) Most of the nurseries and garden centers in Santa Fe will give the traditional date of March 17, Saint Patrick’s Day, for planting your peas. However, my friend Dahlia, who is a professional Organic Gardener said as early as March 10 is ok, especially in a spring as warm as this one. Peas like the cool and will not suffer from a frost. In my family we can never have enough peas, fresh from the garden. In fact, it is very rare that I can even get any inside to cook because most get eaten by the person standing at the fence picking. I strategically planted a big section right next to the fence in the backyard where my teenage son parks his bike. Clever, eh?

ChardUnless someone’s been gardening a while on your property, soil amendments, like lots of compost, are a necessity. If you have had peas in that bed before, you can soak your seeds at least 12 hours and plant directly, but if it’s a new bed you should use innoculant, which helps peas and beans fix nitrogen in the soil. I drove all over town and finally found it at Agua Fria Nursery @ 1409 Agua Fria St. (sadly, no website).

Purple CauliflowerWait a week or two to put out your lettuce, spinach and beet and chard seeds. They can go near the peas, in the coolest spot in your garden. Remember the place where the snow lasted the longest? And the same day will be good for starting your cole transplants inside, 8 weeks before planting out. If you are in a big hurry for fresh local produce like I am, prep those beds, turn that compost, and hit the Farmer’s Market on Saturday from 9-1. Some of those lucky hardworking people have greenhouses!

Submitted by LW @ Southside
Photos by Isaac Wren


Anonymous said...

I love your last line! One of my favorite sayings is 'the harder I work the luckier I get.'

I'm 30" of snow away from planting peas. Apparently Mother Nature mistook my request for an early spring as one for a late winter.

lw @ ss said...

The peas are up, along with beets, lettuce, radish, bok choy and spinach! Yesterday I planted something a friend gave me called "miner's spinach" from local seed.