Evidently we don't pay enough attention to the music world, as we have no idea if other albums have been launched the same way. (And in the library we haven't heard a note yet. Library staff can't listen to audio on staff machines.)
"El Día de Los Niños" is an annual nationwide celebration of children and books. This year in honor of the occasion the Santa Fe Public Library will have the Wise Fool New Mexico theatre group present their program A Look Inside. The program is a participatory journey through the magical world of puppetry. Wise Fool will spin tales of fun and fancy while teaching kids and adults about the art of puppetry, from small masks to their famous giants (10 to 20 feet tall) that take three people to operate! See how they operate, try them on for yourself and bring something to life and leave inspired to make puppets of your own. Wise Fool New Mexico is a nonprofit theatre arts project created and staffed by women artists of diverse backgrounds who are dedicated to art as a means of changing our world.
There have been nine grass fires in the southwest area of the City in the past 72 hours. Any person having information regarding the cause of these fires should contact the Santa Fe Regional Communications Center at 428-3710 or Santa Fe Crime Stoppers at 955-5050.
The State Library documents librarian is also excited about "online access to the U.S. Congressional Serials Set on Readex. This database includes historical documents dating back to 1817. In the 1800's, Congress published documents from many federal agencies and commissions. By searching this database, you can find information about American Indian tribes, the Civil War, statehood, early reports and surveys of the southwestern United States, and many other historical subjects. Maps, illustrations, and tables have all been scanned along with the text. This database is still being built; volumes published up through 1888 are currently available. When the database is complete, coverage will extend up to 1980... Call ahead (476-9702) for consultation and we'll make sure it is worth your time to visit us."
Still other good resource news is that the New Mexico Supreme Court Law Library is offering free access for the public to both Westlaw and Lexis. There is a signup sheet, and you are limited to 45 minutes of access when others are waiting. The Law Library is open Monday-Friday 8:00-5:30 PM, Saturday 10:00-3:00PM, and is at 237 Don Gaspar. Their phone number is 827-4850.
We'll have more news about resources available in libraries around town later in the week. Don't forget the databases you have free access to both within the library and at home, available from our Magazine, Newspaper, and Reference Databases page.
These are all birds of a particular feather, what the digital preservation system LOCKSS (Lots Of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) calls "born-digital, freely available humanities e-journals." LOCKSS goes on to say, "Small publishers using marginal business models currently publish a substantial amount of important work in the humanities." Poetry in particular seems ideal for web publishing. People won't read long texts on a screen: after a couple of page-downs they will stop to consider 'Do I want to read this? If yes, do I need to print it?' But many poetic texts and other short literary forms are an inviting length to pursue to their end on the screen. It simply works to put them up on the web.
Recently there was an article in Publishers Weekly, 'Poetry Off The Books' by Craig Morgan Teicher which makes a similar point. "In recent years, poets and poetry enthusiasts have been organically developing a network of linked online poetry publications, blogs and other related sites, many produced at quality commensurate with the best print magazines." The article contains a lot of links to online literary magazines and influential literary blogs, and wonders whether all this activity is increasing sales of books as well as increasing the readership for poetry. Duh. Poets don't earn their living by selling their books of poetry. That won't change. Maybe if they do it for several decades, they'll win a big prize, as Richard Wilbur did recently. But in general, the servants of the muse are not in it for sales of books... The Wilbur story is also at poetryfoundation.org, but actually we're giving you that link because the cartoon which was in the middle of the cover page last week was a hoot.
The demilitarized zone in Korea is also reported to be rich in wildlife, as is our own White Sands Missle Range, both because of the enforced exclusion of people. It's interesting to think about. There are more people all the time everywhere in the world except in a few places accidentally protected by terrible reasons.
P.S. Wormwood Forest is one of those books which we missed hearing about, and we hadn't ordered it until one of our library users asked for it. As much as possible we order what you ask for, and we count on you all to point out the titles we should have when you notice they are not yet in the system.
As "The Great Paulissimo", Mr. Glickman will perform his enchanting magic show on Monday, April 24th at 7 PM. Then on Wednesday, also at 7PM, is the Annual Pajama Party and Story Time. Mr Glickman will read children's favorite bedtime storybooks. Pillows and refreshments will be provided. :-)
Of course it's free. La Farge is at 1730 Llano Street. For more information call 955-4863.
Program information and other library news is always available on the news page.
Main Library's hours are 10AM-9PM, Monday through Thursday; 10AM-6PM, Friday and Saturday; 1PM-5PM Sundays; their phone is 955-6781. La Farge's hours are 10 AM-9PM Monday to Wednesday; 10AM-6PM, Thursday to Saturday. Their phone number is 955-4862.
Please note: After May 7th, all holds and Interlibrary Loan material that had originally been scheduled to be delivered to the Library Bookstop will be send to the La Farge Branch. If you would prefer to have your items held for you at the Main Library, please let us know so that we can change the pickup location. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Also there are a lot of "Arts related issues:" in the field report: " We reviewed a sketch of the ceramic tile arrangement for the Children’s Courtyard... We discussed the installation of the steel guard railing on the Children’s Patio by the cisterns which will be part of the art installation. Final selection of the artist will occur on May 28. Glass etching will be considered for the Teen and Clerestory windows. The hanging of the fabric art form in the Children’s Performance area is being checked out for weight and installation needs... "
The projected opening date has slid forward into January, alas. Construction photos are always available on the Progress page.
Some examples of titles which caught our eye in a quick browse (you might make a different selection, but you'll surely find plenty):
Guests of the Ayatollah by Mark Bowden
Come on In! New Poems, yet more unpublished work by the late Charles Bukowski
A sheltered life : the unexpected history of the giant tortoise by Paul Chambers
The silk ribbon embroidery bible by Joan Gordon
Oceans : a visual guide by Stephen Hutchinson & Lawrence E. Hawkins
Special Events will include dinosaurs, music, puppets, magic, storytellers. There will be dinosaur prizes. :-)
Programs will include the kick-off celebration, Little Readers Day with Paul Glickman; Ande Marimba Band; Jamie O’Hara - the Magic Guy; Carolyn Newell and the Exotics of the Rainforest; Terry Alvarez - the Story Dancer; and Joy Ginther and the Pink Elephant Theatre.
It's all free. For information call Main Library 955-6837; La Farge Branch Library 955-4863.
Detailed program schedule and other information will be posted next week. Stay tuned.
These lists are always available from the catalog's opening page, and are updated about once a month.
The library's annual holiday schedule is always available on our web pages.
This is depressingly early. Look for the National Forests to close themselves to visitors well before Memorial Day.
The library will set about ordering both Geographic's primary scholarly publication, and some books about the gospel and its historical context. We do have a number of older books about the Gnostics, but for the current topic you are better off using the web until some current books are available.
A procession across El Puente and up to the Cross remained a feature of the Fiesta celebration for several decades; but as the neighborhood filled in densely on the formerly empty hill, a new Cross of the Martyrs was erected by the Fiesta Council near the ruins of Fort Marcy. That's the Cross that present-day residents think of as the Cross of the Martyrs. The Near Northside Neighborhood Association bought the old cross on its lot on Paseo de la Loma from the Orthodox Catholic Christian Parish of St. Joseph and deeded it to the Historic Santa Fe Foundation for preservation in 1993. (Map)
Some longtime residents are familiar with the Old Cross of the Martyrs, some people are familiar with the Bridge of the Hidalgos, some people who don't spend time on the Near Northside may never have noticed either structure. Most of this information comes from a paper written by Corinne Sze of the Historic Santa Fe Foundation in 1991, at the time that the bridge was listed as a historic site. We have a copy in our vertical file. Ask for "Santa Fe--Historic Landmarks--Buildings and Districts II". Thank you to HSSF and to Corrinne Sze for sharing the paper.
Monday, April 24, 7:00 p.m.: "The Great Paulissimo" will present a magic show.
Wednesday, April 26, 7:00 p.m. : The Annual Pajama Party and Storytime at La Farge. Children are encouraged to come dressed in their pajamas and to bring their favorite bedtime storybooks. Paul will read as many of those as time allows. Pillows, popcorn, and lemonade come standard with the program.
Library news and information about programs is always available on the news page (though we'll admit news often turns up here first.)
P.S. Information about Summer Reading will be coming soon.
Home access requires that you go to the link provided there on the periodicals/database page to sign yourself up with Grolier. They will email you a username and password. After that, if your browser sets cookies, you will keep being able to get in without logging in again.
The Gateway to Other Library Catalogs page within the catalog is once again working from the in-house catalog stations. If you are looking for other libraries while online from home, we have a much larger selection on the Internet Starting Points, and a detailed description of Santa Fe Library Resources in particular.
Donald Levering Reads - Thursday, April 6 at 7 pm. Join us for a reading by poet Donald Levering. Levering has published two full-length volumes of poetry including Outcroppings From Navajoland and Horsetail as well as four chapbooks, The Jack of Spring, Carpool, Mister Ubiquity, and The Fast of Thoth. Another chapbook, The Kingdom of Ignorance, is forthcoming this spring from Finishing Line Books. Levering was a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Grant in poetry.
Open Reading to Honor Earth Day - Thursday, April 20, 7 pm. Bring yours or others' "earthy" poems and prose and celebrate Earth Day out loud. Readings up to five minutes (please respect your audience and time yourself). First 15 to sign up will read.
Both events take place upstairs in the Writers Room of the Southwest Literary Center at 826 Camino de Monte Rey, and are free and open to the public. For more information call 577-1125, email litcenter@recursos.org
Also, the City's GIS (Geographic Information Systems) department has some terrific maps on their web site. These are large PDF files, so you'd need a good printer to get a paper product. (It might be easier to go buy one from the department.) But they sure are fun to look at, and in many cases looking is all you need to do to answer your question--finally, a good zip code map, a mountainous terrain map, residential subdivisions, and on and on. The thumbnail image is from Future Land Use.
A lot of other useful information can be found on the City's official web site: the Code, the Weekly Water Reports, bus schedules, and more.
Meanwhile, the 2005 cohort of juveniles for the eastern whooping crane flock, who were led by ultralight on their first southbound migration last fall, have started back north on their own. Follow the news of their progress at Journey North. Pick up a glimpse of National Geographic's Crane Cam on the North Platte River while you're thinking birds. (They get a LOT more sandhill cranes than we do in the winters at Bosque del Apache, though it's the end of their season and the crances there, too, have mostly moved north.)
A friend has pointed out that there is a Google Mars. We knew about Google Moon; Mars was a surprise. The Cassini-Huygens probe team has images of small moonlets embedded in Saturn's rings (summary and article citations at Nature, but not full text), and is gearing up for a fly-by of Titan at the end of April.
We found a new drought graphic, a River Basin Snow Water Content map covering the whole west; earlier in the month there were news stories from the earliest universe (data courtesy of NASA's WMAP probe); and for a small silly treat, listen to a bullfrog at FrogWatch.com