In April and May, the Lannan Foundation's
Readings and Conversations will be bringing a number of interesting authors to town for the end of this year's season. Even if you miss the programs--two of the April authors are already sold out--your neighbors may be reading some of these works, or you may hear the talk on the radio, or you could wait a little while and then listen to it via the web, as Lannan is now putting up podcasts of each program (the podcast of
Antonia S. Byatt's March 15 program is available; we're not sure how soon after the event it went up on the web.)
In April, Mario Vargas Llosa will appear on April 5th; C. D. Wright will appear on April 19th; Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove on April 26th. In May the schedule will be T. C. Boyle (May 10), Stuart Dybek (May 17), Eduardo Galeano (May 31).
We have books by each of the authors. For Vargas Llosa and Galeano we have both English and Spanish editions. Links above take you into the catalog. Vargas Llosa's official web page, en Español.

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