For this reason, many of us readers often turn to outside help, even professional assistance, when seeking our next reading fix. Your friendly neighborhood librarian can be an excellent source of recommendations, but sometimes the experts require expert assistance.
One easy trick of the trade is to read everything reviewed in the New York Times Book Review, or at least anything reviewed that catches your attention. You can stick with award-winning books, such as the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. You can delve into the rich literary tradition in the Southwest, and read both classics and newer books of note. If thousands of readers can't be wrong, you can queue up on our High-Demand Holds list. If you like the book less traveled, there are other sources, such as Flashlight Worthy Books.
There are also links to lists and databases galore, tools to find reads that should suit every taste. If you want to try an author, but don't know where to start, try Debbie's Idea. If you need to know what book comes next in a series, try the KDL What's Next Database. If you want a book similar to a specific title or author, get involved with What Should I Read Next?
With just a bit of clicking and searching, you'll not only find a book that catches your attention, you'll have a long list of possibilities to engage your brain for a while.
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