The laughter never stops here in the children’s section! We have had so many funny children’s books pass through our shelves lately that we had to tell you. Here is our list of the top 10 funniest:
Diary of a Wombatby Jackie French

Who couldn’t fall in love with a wombat, even one that chews holes in your door and digs up your garden? This fictional diary made us laugh and laugh.
I’m Not a BabyBy Jill Mcelmurry

This great picture book cashes in on the humor of children being smarter than adults. No one seems to notice that Leo is no longer a baby. Can’t we all relate to feeling older (or younger) than we really are?
Punk FarmBy Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Check out Farm really captures the humor and energy of punk music, but delivers it in a fun, kid-friendly package.
OliviaBy Ian Falconer

Olivia is a typical six-year-old in a piglet’s body. The Olivia books depict the whimsical humor of a kid with tons of personality, possibly like a child you yourself might know.
Chickens to the RescueBy John Himmelman

Ok, this book is just Funny. As the title promises, the dumbest animals on the planet become superheroes, saving the farm from all kinds of disasters.
The Squire’s Tale (series)
By Gerald Morris

I used to get into trouble laughing during class while reading these books. Even in high school, Morris’s wit captivated me and kept me rolling in my seat. They have a great combo of humor and history.
Stanley’s PartyBy Linda Baily

Have you ever wondered what your pets do when you go out? Well, hopefully they aren’t like Stanley-a dog that, left unattended, will take more liberties than a teenager house-sitting.
Mrs. Piggle-WiggleBy Betty MacDonald

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is as funny to kids today as it was when it was published 35 years ago. Maybe you read it as a child and now you can share the fun with your children.
Good Dog CarlBy Alexandra Day

This adorable no-words tale combines the sweetness of a baby-dog bond and the humor of what goes on when mommy goes to the store. Home Alone meets Napoleon and Samantha.
A Mother for ChocoBy Keiko Kasza

While the emphasis of this book is on love and belonging, the attempts that Choco makes to align himself with other animals that share one of his characteristics is sure to keep any child laughing.
Mercy WatsonBy Kate DiCamillo

Appropriate as both a picture book and a beginning reader, this joyful story combines familiar elements (the unexpected heroine, the mean neighbor) with a wild telling that lets readers in on the joke.
Amelia BedeliaBy Peggy Parish

As a child, I remember being so frustrated and embarrassed by Amelia Bedelia; Maybe I was transposing my own mother upon Amelia’s character. However, I loved the silliness of Amelia’s “mistakes” even though I didn’t completely understand the humor.
No Fighting, No Biting!by Else Holmelund Minarik

My parents read this book to me over and over again. Maybe they saw another level of humor in it while reading it to my sister and I. We added a third parallel drama to the book – two bad children reading about two bad children reading about two bad alligators.
by SW @ Main