That's right, bring in your laptop, and you'll be able to surf the web throughout the library! Make sure to check out our wireless policy before heading over to make sure your laptop has everything it needs.
This latest technology has been added to the Library’s toolbox of computer tools for the patron. The City Council unanimously approved the installation of wireless access in City buildings in June. By providing this service, patrons can use their own wifi wired computers, freeing up the Library’s hardwired computers for other patrons.
Last year, the Library logged 143, 989 computer users for its 46 hardwired computers. The American Library Association reports that over 73 % of public libraries in the US offer wireless access for their patrons.
La Farge Branch is closed from August 4 through September 8 for renovations. During that time, wireless will be installed. The Main Library wireless access is coming soon!
Stay tuned for wireless updates for the rest of the Santa Fe Public Library!
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