Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Swimming in Stars

You may have noticed a small change in our catalog recently. If you've read something or watched something that you feel strongly about, you can rate them on a Five Star scale. Just login to your account, find the title of the book or movie, and click the stars that are a couple of lines beneath the title.

For example, I just read The Hunger Games, and every few pages I was either laughing out loud or choking back tears. So that gets 4 Stars from me. Why not 5? Well, it's difficult to read a book at lunchtime with mascara running down your face. Ahem.

The Hunger Games

My Ratings ButtonBut if I ever change my mind and want to give it 5 Stars, or 1 Star, or just remove my rating altogether, I can click on the "My Ratings" button in my account, see what I've already rated, and delete all or some of my ratings. My Ratings are completely anonymous, so if a friend recommends something that I didn't enjoy much, I can give it 2 Stars with impunity.

So if you check out something that you feel strongly about, let the rest of us know!

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