Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Transportation Meeting at Main Library

SFMPO Logo Santa Fe Metropolitan Transportation Plan
Public Meeting

February 5
12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m.
Main Library Community Room
145 Washington Avenue

Travelers to and within Santa Fe can voice concerns or share comments for improvements to roads, transit/rail, bikeways, or pedestrian ways at three public meetings on the Santa Fe Metropolitan Transportation Plan (SFMTP). Some of the transportation issues under consideration include: Corridor Studies for I-25, NM599 and St. Francis Drive; potential roadway and bikeway connections; consistent design standards along roadway corridors; expanding transit and local rail service; developing a comprehensive pedestrian plan that integrates a local Safe Routes to School Program.

An additional meeting will be held this evening from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Genoveva Chavez Community Center, 3221 Rodeo Road. The Genoveva Chavez Community Center, 3221 Rodeo Road, will have an additional meeting on February 16 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The approved SFMTP enables the use of federal funding for a range of transportation network improvements (including roads, bridges, bikeways, and pedestrian facilities), as well as for transit/rail facilities, operations, and program support. Once reviewed and certified by the New Mexico Department of Transportation and the Federal Highways and Transit Administration, the SFMTP will guide future capital investment to improve all modes of transportation within the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Area.

The SFMTP is updated every 5 years to assess and prioritize improvements. The Santa Fe MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) is responsible for developing a list of projects, identified in the SFMTP that is fiscally constrained to reasonably expected revenues over the next 25 years.

For more information, please visit the Santa Fe MPO website.

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