Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Historical/Hysterical Parade

Historical/Hysterical ParadeSanta Fe is known for quirky events. And seemingly, there is no way they are affiliated with the Library. However, one of our eagle-eyed volunteers seeking old photos of the library came across a picture of a Santa Fe Public Library-Woman’s Club and Library Auxiliary float in the Historical/Hysterical Parade which is a part of Fiestas. The photo was from about the 1930s. The Woman’s Club actually founded the public library in 1896. Armed with this information, the energetic volunteer organized a group of volunteers and a truck to be in this year’s parade! Carrying placards, librarians from many libraries took part.

Historical/Hysterical ParadePlacards had such sayings as:
"I Love my Library!"
"I left my heart in the Library!"
"Libraries Rock!"
"Volunteers gave 10, 208 hours to the Libraries"
“Doing Fine at 106 years in Santa Fe”

and last but not least:

"Do you have a Library card? 88,393 of your neighbors do!"

We know the library is popular, but what a great feeling when people along the parade route cheered the float, called out “We love the Library,” and “Keep up the good work!” If there had been a prize for the most popular float, we would have won, hands down.

I had a birds-eye seat as I had called “shotgun” on the truck. Not only did City employees cheer and yell to me, but regular library users as well. The Fire Chief and her young son waved and waved! Hmmm, maybe next year we can build a float, crown a "Miss Information" and have her ride on the float to represent us.
Historical/Hysterical Parade

by PCH at Main
Photos by SAS at Southside

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