Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Mouse Tale

Maybe there really is still a mouse somewhere back behind all the boxes and piles of miscellaneous “stuff” on the far wall of our supply room at La Farge.….but somehow the mousetrap our custodian set, has continued to elude our little rodent-visitor or visitors, so far.

Last Friday another staff person called me back into the closet where she was checking her supply lists and asked me to see if she was in fact, truly hearing those scamperings of little feet and gnawings of tiny teeth doing what only little mouse-type creatures do, behind all those shelves of boxes and papers. We both stood quietly, leaning in toward the area from where the sounds of four-legged seemed too be emanating. Oh yes, I definitely heard what she was afraid she’d imagined.

While going to get one more person to listen with us, I stood alone waiting and glancing at the boxes in the corner we were focused on. There were many neatly stacked cartons, some open, some with covers, all carefully labeled with hot-pink paper, listing contents of each container…..there it was, clear as day:


Of course! The explanation! And therefore a full exoneration of all charges of trespassing and of breaking and entering, against the four-legged furry or furries who must have been back there assuming they’d finally found a LEGAL home! One with their name on it!

So…..if we’ve gotta get rid of these innocent little guys, we’d better be using a humane little basket-trap to catch and move them. And then there is the afterthought: maybe we should be careful about our use of the homonym on our labels…..and then there is yet one more philosophical and rhetorical question to ponder: who IS after all, the namesake of whom???????

By EH at La Farge

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