10:00 am
The Hotel Plaza Real
125 Washington Avenue,
½ block off the Plaza
City of Santa Fe Creative Tourism and Heritage Hotels Announce “Meet Our Local Artists”. The Hotel Plaza Real will host artists participating in the Creative Tourism Initiative for a series of demonstrations and conversations offered free to the public. Starting at 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, March 15 – April 9, artists will provide a demonstration or presentation about their art form, followed by informal conversation.
Artists will be present from 10 am to 1 pm. The actual demo may last 1 hour or the whole time.
All demonstrations are free and open to the public.
Week 1
March 15 - Flute Building - Kokopelli Music and Flutes
March 16 - Etched Glass - Dobbins Studios
March 17 - Fiber Arts - Marguerite Wilson
March 18 - Pastel Mixed Media - Jane Shoenfeld, Art Adventures in the Southwest
March 19 - Black Etched Tin - Sharon Candelario
Week 2
March 22 - Photography - Dave Robinson
March 23 - Encaustic Painting - Teena Robinson
March 24 - Watercolors - Sandy Culler
March 25 - Sculpture - John Sherrill Houser
March 26 - Camera Obscura - Jackie Mathey
Week 3
March 29 - Mixed Media - Becki Banet
March 30 - Porcelain - Heidi Loewen
March 31 - Collage - Elizabeth Mesh
April 1 - Monotype - Jennie Cooley
April 2 - Glass - Julie DeFeo
Week 4
April 5 - Acrylic Painting - Sandra Duran Wilson
April 6 - Glass - Betsy Ehrenberg
April 7 - Mixed Media - Carol Coates
April 8 - Fiber Arts - Liane Brown
April 9 - Flute Building - Kokopelli Music and Flutes
The City of Santa Fe is continuing to work with artists and arts businesses to further develop the organization and promotion of workshops that allow visitors to experience Santa Fe in a hands-on fashion. Partnerships and collaborations with the hospitality industry and other entities are welcomed. This initiative was created as a result of the City of Santa Fe’s 2005 appointment to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and builds upon the successful 2008 International Conference on Creative Tourism held in Santa Fe.
how long do the demos last? from 10 am til when?
Anu, we are attempting to get the answer to that ourselves. We'll keep you posted.
Anu, the demos can last anywhere from 1 to 3 hours.
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