Holiday at the Palace is an annual event for children at the Palace of the Governors. This year it's on Friday, Dec. 12 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Las Posadas on the Plaza will start at the Palace of the Governors on Sunday, Dec. 14 at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. Admission to both events are free.
The official holiday tree lighting will be on the Plaza on Friday, Dec. 19 at 5 p.m. This annual tradition will include bell ringers, the Girl Scouts choir, hot chocolate and biscochitos and more. Immediately following the tree lighting, the unveiling of plaques honoring Santa Fe artists Allan Houser and Eliot Porter will take place in the Artists Walk of Fame at the corner of Palace and Lincoln Avenues.
The annual Menorah lighting is scheduled on the Plaza on Sunday, Dec. 21, 2008 from 3 to 5 p.m. The holiday ice sculpture display on the Plaza is planned for Dec. 22. Sponsored by La Fonda, refreshments of hot cocoa and cookies are served.
And if you have time for only one tradition this year, the Canyon Road Walk on Dec. 24, Christmas Eve, will definitely imbue you with holiday spirit. Luminarias, farolitos and caroling, with the Mission Café & Sweet Shop providing free posole and hot cider for all who show up.
For more ideas, the Santa Fe Reporter has put out its annual Winter Guide, and their Holiday Gift Guide focuses on gifts under $100.00. Check the newsstands for the Santa Fe New Mexican's Feliz Navidad magazine.
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