What else is going on? Propernoun.net reviews a children's picture book, Memories of Survival. Yes, it's already on order. After a period of being stuck, having no idea at all for the next book, Sandra Scoppetone has kickstarted her writing process with nothing more to go on than the titles of 100 noir films for her chapter titles. The Waterboro Lib Blog has found us Locus Magazine's recommendations for the best fantasy & science fiction novels of 2005--(we don't have them all, but we do have a good many of them. Check the catalog for availability)-- and pointed us to an article in the Guardian that includes J. K. Rowling's list of 10 books every schoolchild should read (?should have read before finishing school??): Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl; Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe; David Copperfield, Charles Dickens; Hamlet, William Shakespeare; To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee; Animal Farm, George Orwell; The Tale of Two Bad Mice, Beatrix Potter; The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger; Catch-22, Joseph Heller. Hmmmm...
The What's New in Online Books page at U. Pennsylvania is mostly boring, boring, but tells us indirectly that Max Brand is now out of copyright: Project Gutenberg has posted several Brand titles this month. Read Sarah Weinman's Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind if you're interested in crime fiction. Grumpy Old Bookman has a young-author story that he got in turn from GalleyCat. Beatrice has a seductive piece about a poet named Amy Gerstler and, yes, we have the book cited, Bitter Angel. Take any literary blog's list of other blogs--have we mentioned the Litblog Co-op lately?--and start wandering. Keep this in mind: we count on our library users to remind us to buy the books you learn about and want to read that aren't in the catalog yet.