Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Reporter's Best of Santa Fe Survey

From now through June 12, you can vote in the Best of Santa Fe 2005 survey on the Santa Fe Reporter's website.
       This is a pretty big deal for the winners. Carlos Gosp'l Cafe and French & French Sotheby's are distributing little cards encouraging you to vote for them. We mention this because the instructions on the back of the card include a plug for us: "Computer terminals are available and open to the public at the Santa Fe Public Libraries". Thank you, we appreciate the mention!
       The Reporter's website gets better all the time. They have their classifieds online, the restaurant guide, the full text of cover stories archived since July, 2002, and the Annual Manual (but not, alas, the current one. Hey, Mme. Editor, even an old Annual Manual is useful, but please can you get the online version updated?)

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