Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The LitBlog Co-op Says : 'Read This'

The LitBlog Co-op, a cover of bookgroup of 21 literary bloggers, have posted their first collective recommendation: Case Histories, a novel by Kate Atkinson. The announcement has already accumulated 63 comments, and we can expect lots more discussion.
       They say about their first selection, "Over the course of the next week we will post a schedule for author and editor visits, as well as a moderator-led discussion. Additionally, next Monday May 23 we will post The Minority Opinion, in which LBC members who were less enthusiastic about the selection can weigh in. And then on the four subsequent Mondays we will share the titles of the other four books we considered, as described by the bloggers who nominated them."
       There's a list of participating blogs on the page, which might work well as a beginning taste of what's out there in the literary blog world. There doesn't seem to be a hint about how frequently they are going to do this.

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