Friday, October 26, 2018

Election Day is November 6

Whether you consider voting a right or a responsibility, or both, now is the time to gather your wits. Early voting has begun, and Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 6th. The ballot is busy enough with federal, state, and local matters to justify some preparation. Consider these sources of information:

League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters has been the national workhorse providing nonpartisan election information for many decades. Here is the Santa Fe LWV voter guide: is the New Mexico Secretary of State portal for voter information such as voter registration, polling places, candidate lists, absentee ballot requests, etc. .
Click on “Find my Registration and Election Information” for personalized voting info including sample ballots.

Bonds for Libraries
On your ballot, Bond Question B is about libraries—the act “authorizes the issuance and sale of library acquisition bonds,” not to exceed $12.8 million, which will be used by school, public, academic, and tribal libraries for library materials and electronic needs. For information, see

Bond Question B basically asks to continue the same amount of support for libraries approved by voters in previous years. Libraries in Santa Fe County would get a total of $656,000, with Santa Fe Public Library receiving about $220,000, dedicated to print and non-print information resources (e.g. books, ebooks, downloadable audio, online magazine and newspaper access, etc.) as well as certain kinds of Internet computer equipment. All Bond funds are used for resources for the public.

More Informed Voting
The Internet abounds in election information … of all kinds. Some are committed to neutrality as part of their mission, such as and Many newspapers and other organizations support their own election news sites.

It’s an obvious quote, but: “Every election is determined by the people who show up.”

Post by JD

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Write to Me: Letters from Japanese American Children to the Librarian They Left Behind

In conjunction with the traveling exhibit, Confinement in the Land of Enchantment, Albuquerque author, Cynthia Grady, will read from her new picture book, Write to Me: Letters from Japanese American Children to the Librarian They Left Behind.

Come hear the experiences of imprisoned Japanese American children in their own words. Activities and book signing to follow.
Suitable for children ages 4 – 10.

Saturday, November 3, 11:30 a.m.

Santa Fe Public Library - La Farge Branch

Oliver La Farge Branch
1730 Llano Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

Commuters, the City wants to hear from you!

The Office of Affordable Housing is helping to distribute a survey about the housing needs of Santa Fe’s workforce. See the Santa Fe Housing Action Coalition's website for details:

English survey can be found here:

The survey is also available in Spanish:

Monday, October 22, 2018

Opening a Teen Banking Account, October 24th, 4:30-5:30 p.m. at La Farge Branch Library

Teens! Worried about surviving on minimum wage? Want to know how you’ll manage your own finances in the 21st century? Join us at the La Farge Branch of Santa Fe Public Library in the months of September, October, and November to learn about basic money management, managing your own teen bank account, and test your skills at our Reality Fairs.

Financial Literacy for Teens at La Farge: Guadalupe Credit Union will visit teens at the La Farge Branch of Santa Fe Public Library twice a month for financial literacy. Young and emerging adults will learn about basic money management, banks and credit unions, and opening their own bank account. Teens can test their financial literacy skills in November at a Reality Fair.

Friday Afternoon Art: Dia De Los Muertos, October 26 at Southside

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Fall 2018 Book Sale at Southside, October 20-21

     Specially-priced Books in the Café, Discount Books in the Community Room
    Open to the public both days, no members-only hours

     Saturday, October 20th from 10:30 AM–4:00 PM
               Discount & Specially-priced Books
    Sunday, October 21st from 1:00–4:00 PM
               Bag Day — just $10.00 a bag        
     Southside Library, 6599 Jaguar Drive

Attention Teachers: All teachers with school ID may take books for their classrooms free of charge on Sunday starting at 2:00 PM.

Proceeds from the Friends bookstores and book sales go to support our Santa Fe public libraries, purchasing new books or other media and supporting library programs. Our bookstores and book sales are staffed by volunteers from the Friends. Perhaps you would like to volunteer? Working a book sale is a fun way to help the Library and meet new Friends!

Thursday, October 04, 2018

All Libraries Closed Monday, October 8 for Indigenous Peoples Day

On Monday, October 8th, City Administrative Offices, the Municipal Court, Libraries and Recreation Centers will be closed in recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day. Santa Fe Trails’ buses, Santa Fe Ride Paratransit and Santa Fe Pickup Shuttles will operate on the Saturday schedule. The Environmental Services Division will have regular scheduled collection for commercial and residential recycling and solid waste. Residential customers will need to have their recycling and solid waste placed at curbside by 8:00 a.m.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

October 2018 Art Displays at the Santa Fe Public Library

Stop by and peruse our great art shows that will be on display during the month of October:

Main Library, Satin/Reichman Memorial Art Gallery: Kathryn Alexander, “Animal Portraits”.

La Farge Branch Library: Barbara Howard, “Corn Husk Figures”.

Southside Branch Library: Cynthia Hinkley, “Connections”.


The City of Santa Fe Arts Commission announces their partnership with the Santa Fe Dreamers Project to present Santa Fe Stands with Immigrants a photo mural project designed to show our support for the immigrant community in Santa Fe. It is a project developed by the Santa Fe Dreamers Project in collaboration with the Railyard Park Conservancy, United Way, the City of Santa Fe Arts Commission, the Center for Contemporary Arts, and the Alas de Agua Art Collective. The photo murals are beautiful, large scale ephemeral works of art representing the positive message that Santa Fe Stands with Immigrants designed to be displayed on walls around the city and visually stitch our community together.

Created by Sylvia Johnson (Creative Director) and Anne Staveley (Artist/Photographer), the murals also include images taken by six local photographers. Each mural is unique and incorporates a selection of portraits of Santa Feans who had their photo taken to show their support for immigrants interspersed with larger than life photographs of Santa Fe Dreamers Project staff and volunteers holding signs that say ‘Santa Fe Stands with Immigrants’ in both English and Spanish.  Community members are involved in the collaborative installation process. The images are printed on paper in black and white, and then applied to the wall surface in sheets using simple wallpaper paste. The murals will last for several months and then can be washed off with water. This project is designed for community engagement, enjoyment, and participation.

There will be two participating City locations (among 4 others throughout Santa Fe) which include Oliver La Farge Library at 1730 Llano Street (available for viewing on Friday, September 14) as well as the Santa Fe Regional Airport at 121 Aviation Drive (available for viewing in October).  The project will be on display through early winter 2018.

We encourage the public to visit the two City locations as well as the many others throughout our community.  For more information on the project and the Santa Fe Dreamers Project please visit:

(Previous mural at the Center for Contemporary Arts)

 The City of Santa Fe Arts Commission (SFAC), an agency within the municipal government of the City of Santa Fe, provides leadership by and for City government in supporting arts and cultural affairs.  The SFAC also recommends programs and policies that develop, sustain and promote artistic excellence in the community.  For more information contact the SFAC at 505-955-6707, email, or by fax 505-955-6671.