Information is Beautiful has posted a
"rough" outline of the heirarchy of learning. Starting with Data at the bottom, and ascending ever upwards through Information, then Knowledge, with Wisdom at the pinnacle, these concepts are all too familiar to most library school graduates. It's what we were taught in order to help you, the patron, make sense of the deluge of facts and factoids out there and make it something meaningful and useful for you.
Fortunately for you, the world is not full of soporific nerdy librarians. For an easy analogy, think of the pyramid as baking. Data are the raw ingredients. Information is the recipe utilizing these ingredients. Knowledge is the process of baking, and the result, Wisdom, is you voraciously consuming and digesting the warm, tasty treats.
Bon appetit!

Thanks to a nerdy librarian at
Santa Fe Community College for geeking out with me on this!
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