Friday, November 26, 2010

Bookulating Suggest - O - Mometer

Confused about what to get to get for the reader in your life? Confused about what you yourself should read next?

Try the Bookulating Suggest-O-Mometer. Listen to the introduction, punch in some basic data, and you get links to book reviews that fit the reader's demographic profile. You don't need a ton of data, just things like the reader's age, gender, political "rudder", and an interest or hobby. The recommendations are then linked to print and often video book reviews, so you can "preview" the book before reading or buying it. Most of all, the layout is pretty fun to use.

At the top of my "read for purpose" recommendations is Freakonomics, which I've been meaning to read for a while. The video reviewer gave it a "4 out of 5", with a detailed description and critique. In my "read for pleasure" recommendations is The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. Hmm, you know, I still haven't read that one, despite it being one of the most controversial titles of the last century. Perhaps I'll see how accurate the Suggest-O-Mometer is and put it on the top of my list!

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