Grand Opening June 25
5:00 PM to 7:00 PMOpen to the PublicArts Commission Community Gallery
201 W. Marcy St. at Sheridan
In the Santa Fe Community Convention CenterThe Community Gallery, in Collaboration with the
Santa Fe Botanical Garden and
Ecoversity, will feature an exhibition presenting the wonder of encaustic painting as well as educational and inspired programming regarding the history and myriad encaustic techniques available to artists in that media, which relies on bees wax. Inherent in the subject matter of this exhibit are the numerous environmental impacts of civilization on bee populations and their role in our lives as vital pollinators. Over 20 artists in encaustic media will offer a full range of work that expresses both the beauty of the materials they use as well as the exacting nature of encaustic work. Numerous community events will connect visitors more closely to the natural environment through informative workshops/presentations and community education. The show runs through August 20th.
The work of over 20 artists will be represented in the “Pollination” exhibit, with a variety of encaustic techniques, styles and price points. The exhibit will include work by: Trina Badarak, Paige Baillie, Martha Rea Baker, Kelly Barrett, Francisco Benitez, Helen Cozza, Linda Fillhardt, Christy Hengst, Maureen Howles, Sandra Lerner, Stephanie Lerma, Joyce Macrorie, Sallyann Paschall, Teena Robinson, Paula Roland, Diane Rolnick, Susan Shaffer, Russell Thurston, Harriette Tsosie, Shawn Turung, Paula Verona, Carol Ware and Susan Zimmerman.
Workshop/Demonstration Calendar in the Community Gallery- FREE to the public!
Harriette Tsosie
Saturday, June 26, 1-4 pm
Harriette Tsosie will give a short talk on the history of encaustic (pigmented wax) painting and demonstrate her encaustic process. Tsosie has been painting with wax for seven years. She is president of the Encaustic Art Institute and is represented by the Institute as well as FLUX Contemporary, Albuquerque.
Sallyann Paschall
Saturday, July 24, 1-4 pmSallyann Paschall will do an encaustic demonstration of not only basic encaustic techniques but techniques that incorporate collage elements into encaustic work. The basic demonstration will be followed by a chance for the audience to experience encaustics for themselves. Each participant will be given a small block of wood with which to experiment. Each person may then take their newly made work of encaustic art home with them.
Russell Thurston
Saturday, August 7, 1-4 pmOne of the more challenging aspects of encaustic painting is creating fine details. Over the years, Russell has developed various ways of adding oil paints, oil sticks, and dry pigments to facilitate detail work. While these methods can be difficult to control and require some skill, they offer additional choices in encaustic painting.
More specifically, Russell will demonstrate:
1) How to etch or emboss the surface of an encaustic painting with various tools and then apply oils, oil sticks, or pigments.
2) How to handle the differences in how the oil media responds to heat versus how wax responds.
3) How to use wax paper to mask parts of the painting to create particular effects such as fine details.
For more information about the Community Gallery, visit, send an email to or call 505-955-6705.
Community Gallery Hours of Operation:Tuesday through Friday: 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday: 9:30 am to 5 pm