Monday, November 26, 2007

Ten Who Made A Difference

The Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library were one of ten honorees for the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Ten Who Made A Difference Award. The awards were published appropriately in the Thanksgiving Day edition of the New Mexican. Many of the top volunteers who started working for a new Southside Branch in 1999 were interviewed or featured in the article. Angela Matzelle, Jane Gillentine, Carol Robertson Lopez, Shirley Ortega, Lisa Bemis and Andrea Gross were highlighted, but the names mentioned were just the tip of the iceberg. The hundreds of volunteers who made this possible are impossible to name—more than likely I would leave out as many as I put in. But some people gave so many hours and their talents that I must mention them here: former First Lady Angie Delgado, Pilar Faulkner, Brooke Sheldon, Amy Schiffer, Grace Brill, Jan Duggan, Carol Lachman, First Lady Barbara Richardson, Carol deMontel, Patricia Gonzales McKosky, Rep. Jim Trujillo, Peggy Vasquez, Dorothy Doyle, De Leon Family, Judy Havey and Barbara and Dave Myers, Tony Griego…and the list could fill an entire page! Any one of the volunteers deserved to be recognized on their own merit.

What is even more amazing is that even today, eight months after the Southside Branch opened, we still have the Friends of the Library working on raising funds, lobbying, providing volunteer hours and in general serving as advocates of the Library. The renovation of the La Farge Branch is on everyone’s radar as the branch is outdated and needs upgrades plus more space. Who will help with this endeavor? As Angela Matzelle put it in the New Mexican’s salute to the Friends, “Put on your roller skates. We are not done yet.”

Posted by PCH at Main

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