Tuesday, July 31, 2007
New Mexico Book Awards Needs Your Vote
What a decision to make when one has the books of Rudolfo Anaya, Tony Hillerman, Willa Cather, Michael McGarrity, Oliver La Farge and literally thousands of other possibilities one could vote for. Other names keep popping into my head—Pen La Farge, Marc Simmons, Pat Mora, Miriam Sagan, Arthur Sze . Check out the Library’s list of books in our Southwest Collection at the Main Library if you want to see the range of Southwest authors. Go to the Home page About Books and Literature Southwest Collection. One vote—that’s the hard part.
Bollywood, Sudoku and speed dating.
PCH at Main Library
Friday, July 27, 2007
Bottom Shelf Books
This particular sample came from the Arts section of the Main Library; what we here call "the 700s". We'd be happy to retrieve any for you. Place a hold today and we'll have it ready for you ASAP.
Links below take you directly into our catalog...
Christo and Jeanne-Claude : wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-1995
The most beautiful gardens in the world by Alain Le Toquin
Moorish style by Miles Danby
The Flowering of American folk art, 1776-1876 by Jean Lipman
Trompe l’oeil : creating decorative illusions with paint by Roberta Gordon-Smith
The visual dance : creating spectacular quilts by Joen Wolfrom
The story of painting, from cave painting to modern times by H.W. Janson
The Mexican muralists in the United States by Laurance P. Hurlburt
Gustave Moreau : between epic and dream
Photographing your artwork by Russell Hart
Lee Friedlander : sticks & stones : architectural America
The book of Exodus : the making and meaning of Bob Marley and the Wailers’ album of the century by Vivian Goldman
The Rolling Stones : 365 days by Simon Wells
Modoc : the true story of the greatest elephant that ever lived by Ralph Helfer
That’s all folks! : the art of Warner Bros. animation by Steve Schneider
National rhythms, African roots : the deep history of Latin American popular dance by John Charles Chasteen
Taboo : why Black athletes dominate sports and why we are afraid to talk about it by Jon Entine
Better runs : 25 years’ worth of lessons for running faster and farther by Joe Henderson
Internet Safety
To help parents, The American Library Association has safe internet use tips for parents, teens, and kids. Tips for parents with kids using the internet, at home or at the library include :
• setting reasonable expectations
• being open and talking with your children
• having online activity take place in a central area of the home
• and asking children to share blogs and online profiles with you.
• knowing your child’s passwords
• let them know never to share personal information
Check out www.GetNetWise.org for more information. The website www.blogsafety.com has lots of information about safe blogging for teens. The American Library Association advises teens to be:
• anonymous
• protect personal information--never give out an address
• avoid in-person meetings
• to think before posting
Help on dealing with cyberbullies is available at www.cyberbully411.org Tips for kids include ignoring or blocking the bully, changing information if someone has hacked into your profile, and talking to a trusted person when upset about what has been said. For more information visit ALA’s website at: http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/woissues/techinttele/internetsafety/internetsafety.cfm
You can make your child’s internet use safer with these tips.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Summer Fun
The summer is upon us and many thoughtful parents are trying to come up with fun things to do with their kiddos. Remember that having fun with your kids does not have to mean going out and spending money on entertainment. Try some of these family-building projects with your kids this summer:
Plant a tree, vegetables, or a flower garden
Make a gingerbread house or decorate some cookies
Build a fort
Collect local flora and fauna and find out their names
Make a scrapbook, home movie, or time capsule
Hot? Go to your neighborhood swimming pool!
What People Are Reading
From Santa Fe, New Mexico:
Dead to the World, Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris
Micah by Laurell K. Hamilton
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Rant: the Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk
How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation by Sandra Ingerman
Hawkes Harbor by S.E. Hinton
This Thing Called Life by Ernest Holmes
Trail of Tears:the Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation by John Ehle
The Trinity by Leon Uris
Redemption by Leon Uri
From Marlborough, Connecticut:
Title Deeds by Liza Campbell
The no 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
A Death in Belmont by Sebastian Junger
From Memphis, Tennessee:
Memoirs Historical and Military by Antoine de Pas, Marquis de Feuquieres
Military History of Europe by Williams Biggs
Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power by Victor Davis Hanson
From Victoria, British Columbia:
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
From Portland, Oregon:
The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler
The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan
From Bronxville, New York:
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
From Pecos, New Mexico:
The New Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are by Dr. Kevin Leman
The Worst Hard Time :The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan
From Baton Rouge, Louisiana:
All six of the Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling in preparation for the seventh:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
The Navigator (NUMA) Files by Clive Cussler
From Meriden, Connecticut:
The Assault on Reason by Al Gore
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Potter Parking Problems!
Harry Potter, Harry Potter and...
For those in withdrawal after they have finished the series, some have told me they are going to reread the whole series and some have chosen to read the British editions to pick up nuances not in the American versions. ( Why publishers chose to do an American edition still raises my hackles, as if kids in the US can’t figure out what a “bonnet” or a “windscreen” is in British English. )
But what to read? I find the Brits have always had the edge in that sort of tale—Alan Garner’s Weirdstone of Brisingamen and its sequel, The Moon of Gomrath are great reads. The summary for Weirdstone reads, “A young girl and her brother are catapulted into a battle between good and evil for possession of a magical stone of great power that is contained in her bracelet.” And of course on the lists of recommended reads are J. R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, depending on the reader’s age. Other suggestions? Of course, ask a librarian, your human search engine.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Indiana Bones at Southside

“Indiana Bones” told exciting stories to a group of 46 children and adults recently at Southside Branch in conjunction with Summer of Reading. The program was sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Go to the website www.santafelibrary.org for a complete calendar of programs.
Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter
Also the children are invited to make a wizard hat. Refreshments will be served. For the occasion, the popular Uncle Dave will tell wizarding stories..scary!! Door prizes will include Harry Potter movie posters, and certificates for copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book.
On Amazon, there is a countdown of the release to the second with a Harry Potter store feature and also includes contests, links and interviews. http://www.amazon.com/b/?node=1084186 So put on your “Harry-best” costume, and come to the party. Contact phone number at Southside is 955-2828, for Lafarge you can reach us at 955-4863, and 955-6783 at Main. See you there!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Audio Books
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Dangerous Book for Boys
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Goodbye and Good Blogging
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Chilly Reading for Hot Summer Days
*Waving* : Hello and Goodbye
I have truly loved talking with you all, and I'm going to miss you like crazy.

Pacific Ocean, north of Ruby Beach in Olympic National Park
Monday, July 02, 2007
Southside Materials are Holdable

Don't forget if you log into your record before you start you can enter multiple holds without having to reenter your information.
And We'll Have Fun, Fun Fun...
(What's it good for? Well, nothing. Does it have to be good for something?)
One of our readers sent us a link to a file converter service called Zamzar. We have no way to test whether it will handle Mac files as claimed, but it tidily turned a .pdf to a .doc , and might be worth a try if you are confronted with an attachment you can't open or make use of.
Are you paying attention to security on your PC? Got your firewall and viruschecker up to date? Late last month there were news stories about the FBI's efforts to curb the hijacking of PCs by bot software. Think it surely doesn't apply to you? Those 'ecard from a family member' emails you may have been seeing in your spam trap are a good example, and there's an interesting article which explains exactly how that one works.
Our reader who especially likes mapping and search engine sites sent us a link about the new feature of google maps which allows you to customize your map directions by dragging the line to add cities, etc. Very cool. A serious time-sink for map freaks. You could spend hours building loops around the Jemez Mountains, and dragging the route to Salt Lake City around through various parts of the Four Corners.
Lastly, and this is a re-run from last year: On the Dallas Wind Symphony's web pages are several full audio renditions of John Philip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever. Their live version is instant memory territory; in this country everyone's high school band played it, and by the last few seconds of the recording you'll be transported back.
P.S. The library will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Cruisin' the Library Blogs
There are some lovely blogs out there—
Papercuts (Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library) joined the iPhone madness yesterday by checking on how their own web pages display on its web browser (librarian.net also immediately checked the display of her website on a friend's iPhone and blogged it) ;
Burbank Library Blog has been posting book reviews, and has a special interest in literacy ;
a lot of the library blogs we frequently visit are featuring their summer reading programs (as have we, for that matter); Saint Joseph County Public Library went ahead and just featured Summer ;
Bradford County's (FL) construction blog continues to document their new building's progress with great good cheer; Lafayette Public Library (LA) is nearly finished;
Redwood City Public Library's (CA) LibLog as usual has interesting links that illuminate, as their cutline says "technology and its effects on libraries... and library users" ;
Don't forget to check the New Mexico State Library's new blog; and our neighbors down the road at Belen Public Library aren't blogging, but are tracking their construction on flickr, and have a MySpace page.