Saturday, May 05, 2007

An Especially Cluttered Email Box

We never gave you the link to the website which designated the Santa Fe River the most endangered river in the country. The actual report has good illustrations for the bad news.

The American Library Association has come up with a report on "The State of America's Libraries". The full document is 19 pages in PDF and full of positive news.

There's a really good long article in Information Today by Jill Grogg and Beth Ashmore about Google Book Search Libraries and Their Digital Copies.

cover of bookThe 'new' J. R. R. Tolkien novel, The Tale of the Children of Hurin, an unpublished prequel to the Lord of the Rings material, edited by Tolkien's son Christopher, is getting a lot of press (1)(2).

A lot of links have come up about the mystery genre. Library Journal has an interesting article about smaller publishers, The Killer Genre : New talent and publishing initiatives for mystery readers ; Booklist just came out with a list of The Year's Best Crime Novels : 2007 ; a website turned up,, that sorts mysteries by location ; and the Palm Beach County Public Library has a though website about mysteries that includes an extensive list of mystery blogs.

One of our readers sent us two articles about searching: from PC Magazine, 11 Ways to Search Without Google ; and Phil Bradley's Finding What You Need With the Best Search Engines. For you skywatchers, he also sent I'm not sure exactly what you'd do with it...

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