Friday, June 03, 2005

Reporter Again

This week's Santa Fe Reporter has a terrific cover story by Zane Fisher, "Cyber fe : Can Santa Fe conquer its digital growing pains before it's too late". There are interviews with local techno-entrepreneurs, a list of wireless hotspots, and some very funny lines: "...who wants to set a dark-future, cyberpunk thriller in a short brown town in the middle of nowhere?"
       By the way, if you're planning to vote in the Reporter's Best of Santa Fe survey, please consider voting for the Friends of the Library in the 'Best Non-Profit' category. The Friends raised over $60,000 to purchase new materials for the Library in 2004, as well as financing children's programming and staff education.
       Then, when you get to the 'Other' box at the end of the survey, please write in the category "Best Use of Your Tax Dollars", and nominate the Santa Fe Public Library. :-) Consider this: Santa Feans checked out an average of 10 items each, which would have cost over $ 250.00 if they had purchased them. And our free public internet stations were used about 121,000 times last year. Really, we're a bargain.

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