December 16-18
De Vargas Center
Shoppers will enjoy free Java Joes coffee, hot cider and holiday-baked goods while choosing gifts that benefit those in need at the second annual Santa Fe Alternative Gift Market. The Market begins with a grand opening celebration Friday, December 16, at 5:00 p.m., chaired by Ali MacGraw. The Market will be open Saturday & Sunday, December 17 and 18, at the DeVargas Center in Santa Fe. Weekend hours are Saturday, December 17, 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, December 18, Noon-5:00 p.m.
Participants can select tax-deductible gifts that provide urgently needed assistance to local and international organizations providing medical help, books for libraries, shelter and food, working to reduce illiteracy, and assisting homeless veterans, among other things.
Santa Fe non-profits taking part include the Friends of the Library, InterFaith Community Center, La Familia Medical Center and Esperanza Shelter for Battered Women and New Mexico Veterans Helping Homeless Veterans.
Gift-givers can choose from more than 60 different items. The choice is enormous. Gifts range from providing flu shots to Santa Fe children from La Familia Medical Center, books for the Santa Fe Public Library, to legal representation for a girl rescued from sexual slavery in Asia; from sending a bicycle to rural health workers in Zambia, to underwriting one night’s stay in Santa Fe’s Interfaith Shelter, or providing entrepreneurial training to one Egyptian trying to start a business.
Highlights this year will be story times for children, as librarians and volunteers from the Santa Fe Public Library take turns reading holiday favorites, plus musical performances by local musicians.
Alternative Gifts International is a non-profit organization that inspires support for humanitarian and environmental causes. It offers donors the option to designate charitable gifts through carefully selected agencies in the name of their relatives, friends and associates.
by PCH @Main
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