Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Stretch Your Bookshelves

I love black authorsI recently came across a blog by author Carleen Brice: White Readers Meet Black Authors. It's a great resource for reviews of (mostly) contemporary African-American writers' works, with an emphasis on women novelists. In addition to being a useful tool to enrich our fiction collection, Carleen's both critical and humorous voice is also fun to read. She even includes a not-to-be-missed Welcome White Folks Video!

In addition to book reviews, the blog tackles issues such as the bestselling novel The Help, about a black maid in the South, being written by a white author. As a black woman novelist herself, this blog also provides interesting insights into issues about writing and publishing. The copious links in the right-hand panel direct you to websites, articles, media outlets, and book sites galore. Also, December is National Buy a Book by a Black Author and Give it to Somebody Not Black Month, and this blog has a ton of recommendations to celebrate with.

So move beyond The Help, Oprah's Book Club, Toni Morrison, or Alice Walker, and pick up some recommendations from a black author.

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