Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Some Statistics

We've updated the Library Facts and Statistics page. One of Robert Heinlein's characters says, "A fact should be loved for itself alone," and we feel that way about our numbers. One of our favorite numbers this time around is this one:
Of our 323,000 items, more than 70,000 of them were donated to the library. 22% of the entire collection came from our users.
In the run-up to opening Southside Library, we needed to make a list of all the titles which only Southside owns. So then we collected some numbers about the rest of the system and discovered:
Of our 197,000 titles and 323,000 items,
  • Main has 151,538 items
        Main has 128,069 titles
           72,773 titles are only at Main
  • La Farge has 108,606 items
        La Farge has 94,942 titles
           40,355 titles are only at La Farge
  • Southside has 62,299 items
        Southside has 49,433 titles
           17,678 titles are only at Southside

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