Tuesday, July 12, 2005


This is another one of those non-cohesive postings that really just say, "Golly, I love the Web."
       Fans of KUNM's Sunday afternoon program "Singing Wire" may like to know that you can get Native American music 24x7 on Gathering of Nations Internet Radio ("always eclectically native"). A near-perfect sound stream, too; you can listen for hours without a hiccup in the broadcast.
       Where you came from, do people say 'pop' or 'soda' (or 'coke')? There's a very enlightening map making clear the regional nature of the usages at The Great Pop vs. Soda Controversy.
       Poetry Archives @ eMule.com has a list of the poets most frequently accessed from their database. William Blake leads the pack with 2,191,162 downloads. No, I'm not sure I believe it either. Another website with a lot of poetry and a list of poems with the most page views is plagiarist.com. (Authoritative sites like University of Toronto's Representative Poetry Online don’t do popularity listings. Too bad. It would be fun to compare.)
       The website that triggered this whole train of thought was an entrancing photo of the Golden Gate Bridge under construction, from the Marin County Free Library's Golden Gate Bridge Photo Album, in their California Room Digital Archive. (We learned about this resource from their Marin County Free Library Blog...)

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