Friday, October 23, 2015

November Art Displays at the Santa Fe Public Library

Stop by and peruse our great art shows that will be on display during the month of November!

Main Library Tybie Satin Davis Gallery: Norman Flax "Rhapsody in Color" (Acrylics)
Main Library Display Cases: SFPL Children’s Department

La Farge Branch Library: Kate Coleman: Micaceous Clay Pottery

Southside Branch Library: John Read "Disappearing New Mexico" (B & W Photography)

The Main Library is now booked through May 2016 and the monthly art selection meeting, usually scheduled the first Wednesday of the month, will be cancelled until January 2016.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Interlibrary Loan Website Problems

We are experiencing some technical difficulties with our new website.  If you have submitted an ILL request  via the website  please phone 955-6720 to check the status of your request.

We are working on the issue. Thank you for your patience.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library Book Sale at the Southside Library, October 17-18, 2015

The Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library will hold a book sale at the Southside Branch Library (6599 Jaguar Dr.) on October 17 & 18.

Open to the public both days, no members-only hours.
• Saturday, Oct. 17th: 10:30 AM–4:00 PM
• Sunday, Oct. 18th: 1:00–3:30 PM, Bag Day (bag provided)

Speciality Books and items are individually priced. Discount books and items as follows: Hardcover books $1.00 each, Paperback books 50¢ each or 3 for $1.00, Children’s books 25¢ each, CDs 50¢ per disc, Videos & DVDs $1.00 each, Cassettes 25¢ each.

Bag Days cost just $5.00 per bag. The new cloth bags from the city, Friends of Library bags, and Trader Joe size bags are acceptable. Bags will be provided, as well.


The Santa Fe Public Library is hosting Barbe Awalt & Paul Rhetts, owners of LPD Press/Rio Grande Books – the largest New Mexico independent book publishing company-- who will present “Books 101 – Do You Know Books?” at the Santa Fe Public Library’s Main Library, 145 Washington Ave. on Saturday, October 31, 1-4 p.m.

Topics covered include: ebooks, covers, bookstores, signings, self-publishing, publishers, agents, editing, Lightning Source, copyrights, awards programs, contracts, and overdone topics. Participants will receive a sample sell sheet and fact sheets. The Fall is the all-important time to sell books for the holidays. Attendees will learn why all publishers do not publish all kinds of books. They will also hear why some print-on-demand publishers can have scammers.

Awalt & Rhetts have won many international, national, and New Mexico book awards as well as their authors. They have operated LPD Press/Rio Grande Books since 1993. They are also co-founders of the New Mexico Book Co-op, the largest book organization in New Mexico with over 1500 members.

Attendees must email: by October 30, to be on the workshop list as seating is limited. Parking is limited in the Santa Fe Library lot and cost $.50 per hour. The workshop is co-sponsored by the Santa Fe Public Library, Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library, New Mexico Book Co-op, and New Mexico Book Association.

The event is free and open to the public. The event is free to attend but if someone wishes to donate to the Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library for purchasing of New Mexico books for the libraries, they can. 

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Columbus Day Holiday Closure

All branches of the Santa Fe Public Library will be closed on Monday, October 12, in observance of Columbus Day.
We will resume our normal hours on Tuesday, October 13.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Oct. 7 Public Hearing to Focus on Older Americans Act

The City of Santa Fe Division of Senior Services will host a public hearing about the Older Americans Act and will discuss plans for a related Request for Proposal (RFP) of funds that is in development. The public hearing will be held Wednesday, October 7, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. at the Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center (1121 Alto Street).

The Older Americans Act was enacted by Congress in 1965 to ensure provision of social services to America’s elderly population. The City’s Division of Senior Services administers programs, which provide a comprehensive social service delivery system for senior citizens in our community. The following program services are critical to our planning and implementation process:

-       Congregate Meals
-       Home Delivered Meals
-       Assisted Transportation
-       Home Management (housekeeping, laundry, escort, non-medical personal care, etc.)
-  Respite (Alzheimer’s) Care (relief, companionship, non-medical personal care, caregiver support, etc.)
-       Durable Medical Equipment (walkers, wheelchairs, shower chairs, etc.)
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (counseling, training, information and access, supplemental support, etc.)
-      Volunteer Programs – Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), Senior Companion Program (SCP), Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
-       Recreation Functions (Senior Olympics, advanced fitness, exercise classes, etc.)

The public’s input on these matters is critical. Written comments are encouraged and should be forwarded to:

City of Santa Fe
Division of Senior Services
Ron J. Vialpando, Director
P.O. Box 909

Santa Fe, NM  87504-0909

Piñata Winners from Swan Park Grand Opening

Richard and Brandon went home with a cool Nemo piñata that they won at the grand opening of Swan Park. Congrats, boys!