FREE Clean-Up to Promote Wildfire Protection
June 25
8:00 am and 4:45 pm
Santa Fe City and County residents can take their green waste to the
Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station (BuRRT), 2600 Buckman Road for FREE between 8:00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. on Saturday, June 25. Residents are advised to clean green waste around their homes that could present a fire hazard and dispose of it for FREE on June 25. Green waste includes dried leaves, grasses, weeds, tree limbs and brush. Items such as household trash or appliances will NOT be free. This event is sponsored by the City and County of Santa Fe and
Santa Fe Solid Waste Management Agency.
Here are some tips to protect your home and neighborhood:
Protect your property from wildfire and clean your yard to create a 30 foot defensible space to ensure ground fuels are well groomed so fire does not easily spread.
Trim and limb trees and bushes if possible so the low ground fire cannot climb and spread by crowning in the tree tops.
Keep yard waste picked up and dispose of waste properly.
Ensure that propane tanks and grills are not within 30 feet of your home.
Move wood piles away from homes and decks.
Mow weeds and lawns and remove dried leaves, pine needles, weeds and other dead vegetation.
Use non-flammable landscaping materials such as rock, pavers, annuals and high-moisture-content perennials within five feet of your home.
If you live in a moderate to high hazard wildland area, consider fire-resistant patio furniture, swing sets and accessories.
Fire restrictions are in place in the City and the County. The use of all outdoor ignition sources including smoking, charcoal grills, campfires, weed and crop burning are strictly prohibited. Please be diligent when using power tools outdoors and remember to use a spark arrester. Do not park a hot motor vehicle in areas covered with dry vegetation, weeds and grasses.
For more information:City residents contact City of Santa Fe Fire Prevention at (505) 955-3310
County residents contact Santa Fe County Fire Prevention, (505) 995-6523 or
Photo of wildfire courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.